David Brady Helps

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The Dangers of Hindsight

"Hindsight is 20/20." Have you heard this phrase?

Hindsight bias is dangerous - watch out for it.  

Realize, in life, the odds are not in your favor. You will lose so much more than you'll win. Like gambling, the house will always win - the house is "life."  

You can keep your "I-knew-it-all-the-time" bias in check by accepting that you did not. You will only ever have the facts that you see in front of you right now, you can project yourself into the future and the past, but in the moment is where decisions are made.  

Take accountability for yourself, how you allow life to impact you, and what data you consider when making decisions.  

A gentle reminder, from me to you:

  • You do not know it all.

  • If you didn't listen to your intuitions, that's on you.

  • You're not always right.  

  • Your 20/20 hindsight doesn’t help.

  • Your actions determine your life.

  • No one "made you" do it.  

  • Stop it.

Oh, and also, 

  • I still love you.

  • Please love yourself, you're worth it.