David Brady Helps

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The Excluded.

When you gather the right people together with a purpose that inspires action, you will create art.

When you bring the wrong people into the equation, you dilute your efforts. You can create better art by excluding those not chosen.

To exclude someone "feels" wrong. It doesn't feel right to say, "You can't come. 'This' isn't for you." Does it? Who likes to be that person? No one. There's a problem; in your attempt to include everybody, you will hurt the chosen ones.

These people came to feel something unique to them, with others like them; these people want to do something with your message and share it with others. Your desire to feel better about yourself took away from their experience. You were not selfless; you became inadvertently selfish. What's worse, the excluded will also be hurt.

The ones who do not belong will feel out-of-place, as if they wasted their time, and speak of your event in less than positive ways. Why make an effort to bring them along? They're not your connectors; they're not for you, and you're not for them.

You can't make everybody happy. But you can work to give something meaningful to the ones you seek to serve. The ones who will be touched by your work. Those people who will tell others.

Don't dilute your work.

Serve your tribe.