What Change?

Life has shaped you into the person you are at this moment. You can leverage who you are to make a change in the world. The change you seek to make can help others do more and be more than they thought possible. Simple right? If so, how is it that we get lost in our “why” or our “reason” to live?

Stop for a moment. Think about your best friend. Imagine yourself as your best friend and answer the below question as if you were them:

What did your best friend do for you that changed your life in a significant and meaningful way?

Your best friend would share a story about a time when you made a lasting impact on them that changed their life for the better. How you bettered their life is how you can change the world.

To be the change you want to see in the world, you must realize you can be that change right now. At this moment, if you choose, you can continue to positively change the world just as you did for your best friend. Use your gifts. Be the change.

Why Do It?