David Brady Helps

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Where's Dinner?

It's no secret, I've never been a fan of the large annual meeting. Why?
I find them to be a waste of time. Why? Have you ever been to meetings that begin with announcements?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're so looking forward to playing for you, but first, the couple would like us to let you know that the bar is open." It seems logical, right? Start with the logistics.

Never start with the logistics!

"We're looking forward to starting the annual meeting, but before we do, we have some important announcements for everyone..."

When you have the attention of those you seek to serve, do not belabor them with logistics. To those that might say, "but we must address these matters." I reply, "Yes, but let's do it after the event has started. Let's not waste the energy of our audience."

We, Your Audience…

  • Are here to experience your art, not to hear about the open bar; we'll find it, don't worry.

  • Desire to find the motivation to improve our work for next year, not hear about the give-away; do that after you start.

  • Came to do what you hope to inspire us to do.

Capitalize on our attention and energy - protect us and protect the event.