Lots of people want to start agencies. It's a seemingly effortless way to make money. Especially when people are paying commissions year after year at the same rate as they were when they got hired. But, there's so much more.
Lots of people want to start agencies. It's a seemingly effortless way to make money. Especially when people are paying commissions year after year at the same rate as they were when they got hired. But, there's so much more.
When you end an agreement, your non-compete may go into effect. You'll need to know the terms of your contract to be sure. When your non-compete goes into effect, you may have to find employment elsewhere. To be sure, consult a licensed legal professional.
Tortious interference is interference that leads to harm caused by a party outside of an established business relationship. In other words: someone got in the middle. Don’t get in the middle.
Agents need to be first. It's in their DNA. If they do not introduce your talents first, they don't get credit for finding you. Are you thinking about securing one?
The customer's identity isn't always apparent. The ambiguity of not knowing can cause lots of problems for everyone. The only real change agent is the service provider. Any agent with the guts to change the model has an excellent opportunity ahead of them.
Agents are salespeople. If they put in the work, they deserve to eat. Agents have an ethical responsibility to show their work. If they show their work, commissions are fair. Agents are salespeople. Commissions are fair.
Carefully review your contracts. Make sure there's a clear way to let the other party know you're not happy, that what they're doing doesn't work, and that you can end. Know the terms.
This simple post is for musicians. Especially those in the cruise industry. It's a small post that's part of a more extensive series on agents and understanding a representation contract. Today's post is about non-compete clauses.
I hope you'll join me and follow along in the explorations of agents. They are not bad. They serve a purpose to those that need someone to broker contracts of employment. Like most things, use them the way they were intended. If they don't serve your purpose, they're not for you.
As steward's of the tribe's mission, as a chief storyteller, as our leader, you must present to us an inspired view of the world we seek to create. So, boss, what do we do now?
It's not enough to tell us why you're here. Tell us why WE are here. Show us how WE came into existence. Steward OUR mission and help us be the change WE want to see. Share our story.
Your story shapes your brand. It manages the expectations your audience will have in their dealings with you. Stories are essential to your success. If you want a successful brand, share your story.
We, the world, do not need you wasting your time doing something for those that you are not intended to serve. We need you to be helping the people you are meant to serve. Who are you for?
To me, celebrating "Labor Day" is not honoring the historical work and effort of labor organizers and workers. To me, the celebration is for those that do something meaningful, that connect with customers/fans/guests, that side-by-side actively engage in something bigger than themselves.
For me, being outside is an opportunity to explore, and I love exploration. I see it as a chance to learn more about the world around me, relate what I've learned to another thing, and build a more massive mental construct of the world. Doing so allows me to see my own role in the world better. What works for me doesn't have to work for you.
You are not your mind, and by learning and applying mindful techniques, you'll find the success and happiness you seek in your life and your work. Do not let your mind decide for you how you will live in the world. You are not your mind.
Legacy is not about you. It's about the people you support. It's about bringing these people around something bigger than themselves. It's about being the one to carry the torch. It's about being comfortable to hand the torch to someone else when the time is right. Legacy is the culture we create for the people we love, care and support. Leave a legacy.
Your ability to be the most effective individual relies on your ability to balance information from the past (how things were), the present (things as they are now), and the future (things as we want them to be). Too often we abuse this ability and, like Marty McFly, get stuck in the past, the future, and search endlessly to come back to the present.
As leaders, marketers, professionals, artists, pick a profession: we have a responsibility to be proud of our work. In spite of the importance, I observe that we're not always proud; but we can be.
You cannot put a price on helping someone take one step closer to realizing their dream. We need more dreamers in the world with the guts to offer a new point of view. Freely help those that need help. Pay forward the kindness. We need it.