Moving through your thoughts.

Moving through your thoughts.

Big career changes come with thoughts. Thoughts about if you're capable, oversold yourself in an interview, or if you're leaving something that could be more if you just stuck with it.

Don't shut out the thoughts. But do remember that they're just thoughts. They're there to protect you and help you do more of what matters.

The thoughts - the resistance - create doubt. And that doubt is a prompt to check-in with yourself. Are we sure we're ready for this? Are we really going to take the step?

The problem with most of us is that we stop at this step. "Well, maybe we shouldn't do this right now." Why do we do this to ourselves? Yes. Yes, we are going to go into the unknown, possibly fail, and possibly succeed. But we'll never know either way unless we do it. The motivation comes from doing the work, not the other way around.

So step into possibility. Do the unknown. And find your motivation to do more of it. Move through your thoughts.

Going down hill with small steps.

Going down hill with small steps.

To push back is to help.

To push back is to help.