Trace the roots.

Trace the roots.

If you want to understand why Greeks use oregano in their dishes, understand the history of oregano.  

  • Where does it come from?

  • How was it traded?

  • What does it offer its consumer?

The process of making change happens starts with understanding.  

A reader, Tony, shared with me that he makes change happen in large institutions by asking something like, "what is this process for?"

If you ask the question, you receive the benefit of knowledge. You'll learn where the process came from, who developed it, what mattered when someone created it, and what it does now. But there's one thing more you get.

You get to create the opportunity for the other person - the person you are seeking to understand - to feel valued and seen.  

When you can truly see others and their history, you can work with others to help them make things better.

Because what we all want is an opportunity to be seen, heard, and valued.  

Learn more about oregano here.

Being open to the new.

Being open to the new.

Starting new jobs and the unknown.

Starting new jobs and the unknown.