The need to conform outweighs the will to be you.

The need to conform outweighs the will to be you.

Not feeling the college train? I'm sure you've heard, "you'll never get a job without a college degree." (note: I'm a recruiter, and I can tell you that's blatantly false.)

Not feeling the traditional career path? Maybe your parents have asked about "your five-year plan?"  

Not feeling marriage? I've met more and more people creating life partnerships with their significant others.  

Not feeling like you can speak up with your voice because your tribe may cancel you for your thoughts?  

The institutions that tell us that people marry, or there's a career path to follow, or that you need a college degree hold these views because that's how the system operates. That's how the participants in that system got where they are - and they may or may not be happy. They are also not you.  

Don't let the need to conform outweigh the will to be you. What I, others, the system, and you need is - you.

For more inspiration, check out the movie “Babe.”

A curious conversation about strategy and outcomes.

A curious conversation about strategy and outcomes.

How does your computer desktop makes it difficult for you to order in a restaurant?

How does your computer desktop makes it difficult for you to order in a restaurant?