The long game and limitations.

The long game and limitations.

If you're looking to break out on your own, spread an idea, make a change - don't play for the short-term wins, play the long game.

Short term wins are low hanging fruit, quick contracts, getting a job so that you can have a job - it's checking the boxes.

The long game involves strategy - constantly evaluating failures and making better decisions in the future. It's doing things because they're the "right thing to do," focusing on creating something better, and never losing sight of "why" you do what you do.

Our world is a bit different today than it was a month ago, and it's easy to frustrate. But don't lose hope. Focus on your long game.

You don't have to play the game the way it's always played.

You don't have to play the game the way it's always played.

Why doesn't your job work for you?

Why doesn't your job work for you?