Why doesn't your job work for you?

Why doesn't your job work for you?

You don't work for your job. A job works for you!
Yes, I also recruit for people looking to hire people for their jobs.
Yes, I am confident that my clients would agree with me.
Yes, even if they didn't, I don't care - the job works for you.

I can tell you that, at least here in Milwaukee, there's a shortage of qualified talent for certain types of roles. With that said, employers can't afford to disengage their employees. With that said, it's a job seeker's market in many ways.

I can tell you that I have met thousands of job seekers that don't know what they want in life. They look for a company with attractive values, but they don't know how to assert their values. People are looking through hundreds upon hundreds of job descriptions, but a job description won't say, "This is the job for people like you. Who wants to make the impacts you want to make."

I can tell you that there are recruiters who don't care. They won't ask you about your mission, they won't ask you how you see yourself in the world, they won't directly tell you - "this isn't the job for you, but I know someone who might have the type of work you need to do."

It's time to turn the table and give yourself permission to say, "I don't work for a job; a job works for me." Then begin asserting your values - how do you want to impact the world? What's the quality of work you want to perform?

You've only got your life to live.
You are responsible for the impacts you make on others.
A job is only a vessel to help.

The long game and limitations.

The long game and limitations.

Do you need to talk to everybody in the room?

Do you need to talk to everybody in the room?