You're not going to win them all.

You're not going to win them all.

... and that's alright!

You're not going to get all of the jobs you applied for;
You're not going to win all of the contracts you'd like; and
You're not going to triumph over every debate.

But, if you adjust your mindset, you'll find opportunity.

When you don't get the job you want, perhaps you need to target a company that aligns better with you?

When you don't win business, perhaps you need to change your pitch? Or maybe they're not the right client for you?

When you lose a debate, what did you learn from the other side?

Turning losses into gains isn't a consolation prize.
It's growth, and growth is life.

But, what if it works?

But, what if it works?

I use a pencil and paper to plan my life.

I use a pencil and paper to plan my life.