I use a pencil and paper to plan my life.

I use a pencil and paper to plan my life.

Have you heard of the EVO Planner?
I use one, love it, and recommend it to all of those like me - the ones that need an effective tool to help them "do" life amidst a crazy schedule.

Yes, I could use Outlook, Gmail, or another digital planner - but I don't. I don't because I enjoy the mindfulness of writing out where I've been, where I am now, and where I'm going. Writing out my plans on a piece of paper makes my thoughts real and concrete in a way that no other device can.

For me, there's a "calm" seeing a "blank page" that's ready for me to imagine what life will be like later in the day, this week, this month or this quarter.

I've written before about the mental GPS. Using tools like a planner, a pencil, and a piece of paper helps my GPS not only know where I've been, but where I am, and where I need to go.

What do you use?

You're not going to win them all.

You're not going to win them all.

The language we use matters!

The language we use matters!