Could you be losing productivity by not having a ritual?

Could you be losing productivity by not having a ritual?

The word ritual" comes from the Latin, "ritus": a rite performed in the customary and usual Roman manner. Typically, a ritus can have four parts:

  • The Approach

  • The Gesture and Prayer

  • The Request

  • The Reply

Many different types of rituals were developed over time. In addition to those rituals meant for the many gods, families/clans/tribes would have their own as well.  

Rites would include an approach to a god using words. You'd then use several gestures and prayers as an adoration followed by your request. Last, you'd wait for the reply. "It's in the gods' hands."

Flash forward to the present - now. How many people do you know "hold on" to the past? Perhaps they're worried about the future? These people often have a hard time focusing on "here and now." 

Perhaps these people need a rite?  

Perhaps what needs to happen is that we need to pay a bit more homage to ourselves?  

I have a ritual every morning, and it's served me well.  

  • Open eyes and smile.  

  • I greet the day with, "today is going to be a great day."

  • I walk downstairs, I make coffee (always adding cinnamon and cardamom).

  • I walk upstairs, take out my Evo Planner, and plan today.  

  • I write out my fears, the things I'm thankful for, and how I intend to have fun that day.  

  • Finally, I close the book and move on. "It's in God's hands now." (I'm a Christian/Catholic, so I used capitol "G.")

Who am I approaching?

Myself. I'm approaching the part of me that yearns to see possibility, fun, and adventure. I'm also approaching fate/God/deity/universe/insert-whatever-you-believe to take things I can't control and do something with them.  

What are my gestures, prayers?

Greeting the day. Asserting to myself that "today will be a great day." I give substance to those words by engaging in a mindful activity, which brings me joy - making coffee.  

What's my request?

To get the things that keep me awake at night out of my head, on paper, and to let the things I can't control be what they'll be.

What's the reply?

My own productivity because I’m less burdened down by the things I can’t control, because I have given myself a direction, and because I’ve started my day out by asserting an intention.

The results - I can do something each day that I’ve never done before, make an impact, and come alive.  

If you could be more productive, consider creating a ritual.  

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