You don't need to gain weight by being bored - be productive!

You don't need to gain weight by being bored - be productive!

Seth Godin, in a recent Akimbo workshop, asserted that "being productive is doing something that's never been done before."

I agree.

Being productive doesn't mean the number of hours you spend checking emails. It's not the massive amounts of projects you're working on. It's not checking the box.

For me, it's doing something new. Failing. Learning. Working alongside the edge. Making an impact.

Humans tend to overeat when we're bored. Eating triggers pleasure sensations, and that's a feeling I think we'd like to experience instead of boredom.

Instead, I suggest you "Embrace Boredom."

Embrace the idea of not having anything to do. Allow your mind to idle. Then start to think of something you've never done before.

Maybe it's learning a new skill?

Reading a book?

Getting outside?

Not eating when you feel like you should?

Doing the hard work of connecting with others like you.

I'm not offering you medical or diet advice.

I am offering you, no, giving you the authority to give yourself permission to do something simple and new each day.

You can see what I'm working on by visiting my Now page.

What are you doing now?

Could you be losing productivity by not having a ritual?

Could you be losing productivity by not having a ritual?

Little, thoughtful details, add delight.

Little, thoughtful details, add delight.