Your assumptions are probably wrong.

Your assumptions are probably wrong.

Yesterday, I wrote to you about dogs and how they see the world.  
Yesterday, I encouraged you to see your limitations differently.

Here's the thing, to see things differently, you must first realize that what you see now is something you created.

Concerned about getting ahead without a college degree?

Here's what you've created:

  • An assumption that you won't get ahead.

  • An assumption that college is the only path forward.

  • An assumption that you are dependent on another for your survival.

  • An assumption that everyone sees the world with these same assumptions.

  • An assumption that you have no worth and no skill without a degree.

  • An assumption that college is the only way for you to receive an education.

  • An assumption that you're not good enough.

You've created assumptions.

The problem is, assumptions are more often wrong than right.  

What if you created new assumptions?

  • If college is for learning, then learning is for growth.

  • If I grow in the areas I'm most passionate about, I'll be able to help others better.

  • If I am doing more to help others, others might help me.  

  • If others want to help me, they might pay me.

  • I can learn from people that are masters in their field.

  • Many of these people post their content on the Internet for free.

  • I can connect with others like me and do the work of growing together.  

Suddenly, what seemed like a limiting path becomes a path of possibility.  

But, it's only possible because we had to realize that the constructs we create in our head are just that - invented.  So, invent new things and do life better.

After all, that's why you're here.

On difficult conversations.

On difficult conversations.

A personal stance: Black Lives Matter

A personal stance: Black Lives Matter