A quick thought on fear.  And, why you are probably misinterpreting it.

A quick thought on fear. And, why you are probably misinterpreting it.

"If we are motivated to solve a problem we are willing to face the fear that comes with it. It's just that a lot of us are uncomfortable with facing the fear and it's something we must get used to." - A human

My thought is this, what is it for? Fear, what is fear for?

What does fear exist to do for us?  
What have we to gain from our fear?

If you're like me, you probably get scared before doing anything of consequence. To this day, I still get nervous performing in front of people.  

Why was fear there?  

Fear was there to remind me that what I was doing was important.  
Fear reminded me that I cared.

So, what is fear doing for you?

Is it helping you find motivation?
Is fear there to check-in with you?
Is fear a way for us to be mindful?

Instead of "facing" fear, I'm welcoming it.  
It's obviously there to help.

But, like most things, it's best enjoyed in moderation.

There's something fascinating about gifts.

There's something fascinating about gifts.

On being something for someone else.

On being something for someone else.