Does your resume tell a story?

Does your resume tell a story?

We're in a story-driven culture. Everything is about the story we tell our consumers, stakeholders, clients, or employers. Thinking about resumes for a minute, does it tell your story?

Resumes are the story you are telling a potential employer about where you've been, who you are now, and how you want to impact the world. It's more than a document with accomplishments, prior responsibilities, a puffy objective statement, and flashy design. Instead, I put forward that a resume is an epic tale of wins, failures, hopes, dreams, and legacy.

The post title suggests this is for job seekers. But, it could easily be for people who are writing their bios, creating original music/art, marketers, communicators - humans talking to humans.

The logical way to write a resume is in chronological order, listing your responsibilities and accomplishments, and keep it loaded with keywords. I suggest you embrace the illogical.

Consider your story, and share it with those you seek to serve, the people who care about the impacts you can make - the work that matters.

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