Thoughts on culture.

Thoughts on culture.

Culture as defined by me:

"A curated set of agreed-upon beliefs and actions."

I can have my own culture. I have made an agreement with myself to believe what I believe, read what I read, and act the way I act.    

You can do the same.

You can curate or carefully select what information you choose to believe.  
You can curate how you choose to behave around others.
You can curate what you'll tell yourself when others upset you.
You can curate what you'll say when you finally choose to speak.

As a leader, you can do the same for your tribe.

The tribe of Artisan Doers values self-reflection, being endlessly curious, and trying new things so that we can be better for ourselves, and our communities.  

Culture starts with the self and then expands out.  

If you're like me, and you value what this blog represents, you'll probably subscribe and share it with others like you.
If you're not, you won't.
And, that's how culture ought to work.

It starts with you and works out.  

You curate the sources that inspire you.
You curate how you take your news.
You curate the actions you'll take towards others.
You curate the people in your life.
You curate how you show the people in your life you care.

Culture starts with you.

Here is a method that's helping some people get back to normal.

Here is a method that's helping some people get back to normal.

A vision is what you see, and what you don't see.

A vision is what you see, and what you don't see.