To assert.

To assert.

The origins of the word are Latin. It means, "to claim, affirm."
Interestingly, the origins of the word "claim" mean "to call out."  

To assert your truth is to directly affirm in a way faithful to your belief.

It does not mean that you need to post about it.  
It does not mean that you need to harm others for their assertions.
It does not mean that others need to harm you for yours.  

It does mean to represent yourself in a way faithful to you.  

I say this because we're raw now. Everybody is being called to pick a side - black lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives matter... and so on - extreme tribalism. This can be a force for good, but it can also be a force for exclusion. As a result, those that wish not to be excluded often say nothing, or worse, if they do, they're shunned.  

Be a force for change in the world - work to serve the others.  

Assert your truth. If it's not fully aligned with the story of another tribe - that's okay.

The goal is not to be something for everyone, but it is to be a meaningful specific for the people who believe what you believe - your tribe. The others who might shun you - they're not for you.  

That's okay.  

A personal stance: Black Lives Matter

A personal stance: Black Lives Matter

On Change.

On Change.