On Change.

On Change.

"No true gift is free of risk."

I use Ida Benedetto's statement often in my posts. Why?

Because change can be a gift.
Because with change comes risk.  

The risk that we'll see the world differently.
The risk that different may not be better.
The risk that we might feel shame brought on by guilt.
The risk that we might feel anger brought on by inequality.

At the end of the day, we'll never know what might happen until it actually happens, we can only assume which leads to fear.

The problem with fear caused by assumption is that it's something created within ourselves, and therefore, not yet real.  

On the flip side, once we've made a change, we might find fulfillment. A fulfillment that comes from doing life better by doing better things.  Hesitant? Unsure?

Worried how others might perceive you?
Worried about being insensitive?  
Worried you might be wrong?
Worried you might be right?
Worried about your pride?

It's okay.

It's the resistance talking, and it's there to help you. You can beat it.
But, it's also keeping you from receiving and giving to the world something more beautiful - a gift.  

Perhaps that gift is the ability to be more of what we need in this world - you.

To assert.

To assert.

Why is now the time for sonder?

Why is now the time for sonder?