Enrolling in the journey.

Enrolling in the journey.

Can you remember a time when someone ignited your passions?  

Perhaps it was a trolling post on Facebook?

Maybe it was an inspirational speech?

Seeing your friend survive cancer?

In some way, these stories inspire us - their gifts. They disrupt our expectations in some way, and from that, they give us the gift of possibility. Consider the trolling post on Facebook.

Let's say you see a friend post about a moment that's happening now. A friend comments on how your friend is blind to what's going on - they're naive and stupid. Now you're upset, and you'll do what you can to prove the commenting friend wrong.  

  • The gift is a disrespectful comment on Facebook.

  • The disruption is an expectation go awry. You expect people to treat each other with respect, and your friend was not.

  • Within you, a passion for avenging the unfair treatment of your friend erupts.

  • You give way to passion and enroll in the journey of proving your friend wrong and showing them a better way to comment.

Enrollment is a commitment that occurs when passion inspires action. And, when we enroll, we'll remain committed to the very end.

Once you've adopted a posture of possibility, you'll need to enroll in the journey. That's what makes possibility a reality.

Thinking about frameworks.

Thinking about frameworks.

I just finished an assignment from almost 20 years ago.

I just finished an assignment from almost 20 years ago.