Give way to the rock and the hard place.

Give way to the rock and the hard place.

The hard part of being "stuck" in-between a rock and a hard place is the perception that you can't move.  

I submit you can move.   

You can give way to the rock or the hard place. You might not want to give in, and that's the problem.

Our internal control freak hates it when reality differs from what we expect it to be. It activates the Resistant You, and you'll start hemming and hawing, trying to negotiate your way out of the circumstance. But, the problem is - you're stuck.  

"Unstuck" yourself and move by giving way to the rock or the hard place. Then, be willing to be fascinated, learn, adapt, and find a way to make something beautiful from a sucky situation.  

To do what you love.

To do what you love.

5 micro insights - a flute, a book, a case, a mistake, and body shaming.

5 micro insights - a flute, a book, a case, a mistake, and body shaming.