Thoughts on slowing down.

Thoughts on slowing down.

I'm not always the best at slowing down.

I like to have something to do - to "feel" productive.

This past weekend I did practically nothing... I read blogs, I watched movies, I made pork adobo.

The human-animal has three modes of doing things:

  • Work

  • Rest

  • Play

This weekend taught me that I work and play too much and rest too little.  

Which mode are you stuck on too much?

Here’s a simple pork or chicken adobo recipe. If you like Filipino food.

  • Sautee lots of garlic and onions in a fat of your choice.

  • Add meat of your choice.

  • Stew it for 15-30 minutes (your choice)

  • Add soy/toyo sauce.

  • Stew it more.

  • Add vinegar - Don’t TOUCH IT after you’ve added vinegar.

  • Stew it more.

  • Enjoy.

Recipes are a metaphor for life. Keep it simple. Take your time, rest, and enjoy. Just like the above mentioned weekend ;-)

Real Change

Real Change

In pursuit of something more than nothing.

In pursuit of something more than nothing.