Let it go.

Nothing natural is evil.

  • The car that cut you off isn't out to get you, the car is just a car.

  • The obnoxious neighbors next door are just people doing their thing.

  • People on the opposite side of your politics aren't trying to take away your rob you of something, they are just humans participating in the same game our side plays.

It is our perception of others and what happens around us that causes us to create, and pass, judgment.

  • The car that cut me off? The car simply passed me, I perceived it as "cutting" me off.

  • The obnoxious neighbor? The neighbors are loud, I characterize them as obnoxious.

  • The other side trying to get their way and compromise my way of life? Am I trying to advocate for things that benefit me? And, am I considerate of others who may disagree in my advocacy?

What I am describing is natural. It's natural to perceive, characterize, and judge others, or the things that happen around us, as good, bad, or otherwise. But, the thing is, they aren't good, bad, or otherwise. They, just, are.

I am writing a bit more about perception and life because this time of year can be hard on many. There are expectations for what gatherings should be like, because they've always been like that, because one person wants it that way... and those expectations may not be met. That expectation miss causes many to spiral into a trap of judgment, argument, and depression. But, if they took a step back, and remember that "nothing natural is evil," they could see things as they are.

Like the song says, "Let it go."

Understanding life through music.

Did you get what you hoped for?