The human comedy.

I had a great 24th of November with my family. I enjoyed our time together - conversation, laughs, food, and fun. I also enjoyed trying to extend my patience.

Like you - people stress me out. For me, it’s stimuli. Too much stimuli and I get worked up super quick. As much as I write about stilling the mind, I’m a work in progress. Well, as I was writing book notes in my journal I came across a quote from Robert Greene’s Mastery that I wish I re-read before heading to dinner:

You are an observer of the human comedy, and by being as tolerant as possible, you gain a much greater ability to understand people and to influence their behavior when necessary.

We are the observer.

Try and try and try to put yourself (I’m saying this to me too) in the posture of the observer. Watch and see, then react.

Mental toughness is not as much about letting things bounce off you, as much as it is observing things as they are - developing a stronger sense of realism.

I am thankful for my family - I wouldn’t give them up for anything in the world. I am also thankful for all of the opportunities I have to step into the posture of the observer.

Philosophical mumbo-jumbo.

Learning how to lift.