What's the real challenge in making things happen for you or others?

What's the real challenge in making things happen for you or others?

Think of your life.  

Think of all the moments in your life where the work of others humans would be helpful.

I lost count. Did you?

Humans want to help one another. We are biologically wired to do that. Though pre-programmed to be helpful, we don't always do that. And what gets in the way is not always our will; it's attention.  

Attention is the gift that we give one another. A choice we make that says, "I - David - am choosing to enroll in your story, learn about where you were, understand where you're going, and do my part to help you get there."  

You give me the gift of your attention when you choose to read what I write. You help me with your comments and your desire to read the next thing.  

Your customers/clients/audiences give you the gift of their attention when they choose to take your call, show up to your gig, renew their contract, or hear your pitch. When they choose you.  

The real challenge in making things happen is the gift of attention. The choice to show up, suspend judgment, listen, be empathetic, enroll in the journey of another to help them get where they're going, and expect nothing in return.  

The ROI of good management.

The ROI of good management.

Do you honor failure?

Do you honor failure?