Delays happen.

I recently traveled to Omaha. I had a connection in Dallas which was 60 minutes, but got cut short to 20 minutes due to delays from Milwaukee. I wasn’t the only one that had a connection.

As the plane arrived in Dallas, our connecting city, people got visibly stressed. I imagined they were asking themselves, Will I miss my flight? What if I do? How will I make my meeting? What, another day that I won’t see my loved one? How much more money will I be out?

As we began to de-plane, some people barreled their way from the back of the plane in a desperate attempt to the get to the front. I don’t think they realized that their efforts only created a bottle neck which impacted others.

Delays are going to happen - that’s part of life. If that’s true, why do we allow ourselves to get stressed?

Seneca wrote something like, “Why should I suffer in advance?”

I ultimately got where I was meant to go. A few hours later. Alive. Calm.


When you're new.