Back phrase if you must, but tell everybody you're doing it... and why it's okay to be behind.

A cellist at a church gig told me, “time stops for no one, it knows only one path - forward."

It’s true - in music, time only knows one direction - forward. And time, once the song starts, doesn’t brake for anybody. The song, and show, must go on.

Singers, much to the chagrin of accompanists, like to do what is called “back phrasing” - they like to sing in a way that messes with time. If you listen to jazz or R&B - pick a singer from those genres and they’re probably doing it.

Great singers know they do back phrase, they’re unapologetic about it, and they are direct in telling their back up bands - “hey, I back phrase this, don’t get me shit about it, if you want to change it, you sing the song.” I respect that.

Why back phrasing? Why singers?

Because we all back phrase. I (swallowing all of my pride) back phrase. I, like you, have moments where I get behind, or where I might want to get behind a bit. It’s okay! We all do it.

We must be like great singers though. We must communicate to others, “hey, my route might be a bit off.. but it’s okay, I got this.”

The people that accompany you in life will appreciate you for it.

As Cellist Mike says, “forward.”

Thoughtful decisions

Leading through questions.