I cry like a baby at movies.

When I see people engaged in something hard, where the odds are against them, and where the work they’re doing is massively bigger than themselves - I always ask, How far will you go?

How far will you go to answer the calling in the back of your mind or deep in your heart?

How far will you go to help others see more in themselves?

How far will you go to not let yourself be all you can be?

How far will you go to do work that matters?

In variably, it’s the moments where characters go to lengths far beyond the extra mile that break me.

If you’re reading this blog, you likely know what it means to feel underestimated. How far will you go to show those who underestimate you that they were wrong?

What do you want and How far will you go, “the quality of our life is directly proportional to our ability to consistently have good answers to these questions.” - HT to Rohan from “A Learning a Day

It's not in a book.

What do you want?