It's not in a book.

The answers you are looking for - you know, the deep whys and hows about your life - are not in books. I can say that with 100% confidence. How can I say that? Because the authors are not you.

Nobody knows how to live your life, because they’re not you.
Nobody knows better, because they’re not you.
Nobody knows why, because they’re not you.
You are you - and you know best.

Then why do we look to books? For that answer, we turn to a book.

In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (spoiler alerts), a race of beings create this massive computer to find the answer to life, the universe, and everything. The computer would take millions of years to compute the answers. When ready, the computer gives the answer. The humans are astounded and pissed.

An answer is meaningless without a question.

We turn to books for answers to an unknown question. Because we do not yet know the question, we cannot make the answer meaningful. Authors of self-help books about fear, grit, and not giving a !@#! have a hunch about the question you’re trying to answer, but they’re not you.

The answer is not in a book.

And the answer you are actually looking for is a question.

What’s more than this?

How far will I go to find out?

Why me?

What's extraordinary?

I cry like a baby at movies.