What is skepticism really?

Skepticism is doubt.

  • Is this really the right way to go?

  • Is this really what we're doing?

  • What if there was another way?

  • Are you sure?

  • If you are doing this, you are not doing that; why aren't you doing that?

Doubt creates friction.

  • What if I don't do that?

  • What if it's not the right way to go?

  • What if there is no other way?

Friction invites you to act.

  • What are you going to do now?

  • When will you do it?

  • How will you do it?

How might you leverage skepticism and skeptics?

  • Skepticism helps you reinforce your "why". It focuses your intention.

  • Forces you to commit. Doubt creates friction creates an invitation to act creates commitment.

  • Is that last gut check helping you consider all available data before you commit. ?Know all the things you can, and then decide.

I grew up with two lawyers for parents, so my introduction to skepticism wasn't entirely positive. But, now older, I have a deeper appreciation. In fact, I might be more skeptical than not. In fact... I believe skepticism is a powerful force for making change happen. How?

Because when I resolve to do something now, I can feel confident in myself that I have considered it.

Leverage your skepticism and your doubt to make change happen.
Feel confident in yourself and your decisions.
Make things better for those you serve.

The Question Connection

Are we teasing out the right thing?