The Question Connection

Have you noticed that Kermit the Frog, much like Winnie the Pooh, has an ability to bring on a smile?

When I think of the Rainbow Connection it's almost impossible for me not to smile, not to shed a light tear, and not to think about the wonder and awe of being a child - free to question and free to explore.

Questions are our ability to wonder and be curious. Through our curiosity a tension is created. The kind of tension that invites us to action. What if we ended work one hour early, what would we do? What if we could spend one hour today do something that brought us a simple joy? Would you do it?

I challenge you to take 3 minutes and 14 seconds today to listen to Rainbow Connection. When you look at the lyrics, the song is a serious of generous questions that invites the listener to doubt conventional wisdom and what they've been told and enroll into the possibility of something more. Consider the questions presented:

  • Why are there so many songs about rainbows? What's on the other side?

  • Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on a morning star?

  • What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing? What do we think we might see?

  • Have you been half asleep? Have you heard voices?

  • Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailor?

It seems a simple entry, but truly this entry might be one of the most important ones I write yet. I believe that because my life has been a series of questions and explorations. Never settling on an answer, but always looking for the invitation to explore what's next - hope; the sweet sound that calls the young sailor.

Stay curious.

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