First principles, Trevor, and Louis C.K.

"When pre-schoolers ask Why, they're looking to get to the bottom of things - first principles. If kids don't get a god answer, children they are likely going to be dissatisfied and to repeat the original question." - Warren Berger/A More Beautiful Question

I guess Louis C.K. was right:

Dedicated to Trevor, a reader like you. He and I worked together for about a year and some change. He always had and was brave enough to ask lots of fundamental questions.

  • "Why are we doing this...?"

  • "Why is it that way...?"

  • "How does that work...?"

I one time remember him leveraging that curiosity to discover that the first principle behind this problem that our customer had was that there was only one person in the entire company that had a very specific knowledge and that person no longer worked in a role that could support the customer's issue.

To get to that point, Trevor started with: "Why are things this way?"

The Morpheus Effect

Combating the anti-challenger.