What if calendar invites subjects were questions?

Your colleagues love feeling they get when they're helping answer the big questions. Your colleagues hate being pulled into meetings that say: "weekly product/services cross-functional."

What if the calendar invite read: "How might we transform into a product-led growth company?"

The body of the calendar invite would read: "This is your time to spend with the rest of us who are trying to answer this big question before us. Meeting notes are found [here] and this week's agenda is [here]. Come ready to tackle the question!"

Transforming how the meeting is positioned in the mind of the attendees transforms how the work gets done.

People want to feel like they're part of something bigger - that's motivating for us.

When you want people to work with you, how might you show them more that they're part of the something bigger?

Tiny steps.

A good roux.