David Brady Helps

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Onboarding is the process of introducing, inviting, and exposing you to something new - culture.

  • "Hey, it's nice to meet you, I want to invite you to find out more about how people like us do the work we do here."

  • "Hey, we're so glad you chose to do business with us. I want you to know how people like you order your food at places like this."

  • "I am so glad you chose to spend time with us tonight. During this time, you get to listen to stories, enjoy music, and share the experience with the people next to you - that's what people like us do at shows like this."

To understand culture is to understand how a group of people do and value things. For that process to happen, the new person must be exciting and committed to learning more - being curious. For that kind of curiosity to be present, there must be a guide.

If you're that guide, you have a generous responsibility.