On recipe testing.

The other day I attempted to make a fatteh - a middle eastern dish that uses up stale bread, it dates back to the Pharaohs - for my sister. I was testing the recipe out.

While making the dish, I ended up burning a minor ingredient - the bread!

My sister, being open that she is, said, "It's okay, we can still try it out."

I said, "no."

I said "no" because I cared more about the experience that my sister might have. I wanted that experience to be better, and I knew that all I had to do to improve was pay slightly more attention to one element.

We tried it again - this time with improved focus.

Cooking food for yourself is nourishing and for sustaining life.

Cooking food for others is about craft and creating an experience.

Same can be said for just about everything else in life.

Being aware.

Your first forays.