Confucius says to mercilessly judge yourself

“The more strictly and mercilessly you judge yourself, the more just and kind you will be in the judgment of others.” - Confucius as quoted by Leo Tolstoy in “A Calendar of Wisdom”

Yesterday, I wrote about not being too hard on yourself. But does Confucius make a reversal on my ideas?

Tolstoy goes on to quote the Talmud following the Confucius quote:

“Do not glorify in blaming and despising other people. A kind person should hide the shame of others, even those who have harmed him.” - The Talmud

Perhaps the ancients are saying this:

  • Don’t shame others - be kind;

  • Give yourself and others grace - we’re only human; and

  • Love, in the form of kindness, is about bringing people up - being their biggest fan.

Check your bias and be curious.

It's never as bad as you thought.