In support of the anti-library.

I love books.

I find that having more books than I can read - to a healthy degree - motivates me to read.

What motivates me is not the idea of reading or some type of vanity metric. No.

I have intentionally chosen authors and thinkers to learn from, and when I look at their books staring me in the face I almost imagine those people looking at me and saying, “you made the investment, why won’t you make the most of it?”

You could feel the same way about a record collection, craft supplies, spices, cast iron pots, seeds, or anything that brings you joy.

Fill your life with things that bring you joy and push your development but not to excess, just enough that you have to reach a bit further.

They are Telling Themselves Oversimplified Stories Too, Just Like You.

Movement moves de-motivation from on to off.