The intoxicating effect of reflecting someone back to them.

When I’m interviewing job seekers, I like to repeat back how I am perceiving them so that they can validate my perception and correct any misunderstanding. It’s interesting how intoxicating that moment is for job seekers, but I thought about it some more.

Perhaps when I’m reflecting someone back to themselves there’s this moment of efficacy: “Yes, I showed up exactly the way I intended and this person gets me,” or, I didn’t come across as intended, I’m so happy I get another bite at the apple in the moment!”

Thinking about it in broader strokes - the effect I believe I am witnessing is being seen.

People want so desperately to be seen by the people they seek to serve.

If you have the opportunity in your life to reflect people back to themselves, do it.

There are always two sides, and it is possible both are right.

Don't get dirty with the pigs.