The story I'm telling myself is...

I’ve been using this nifty device to advocate for myself. Try it.

Situation: Moment when I interpret the events of something in a negative way. Perhaps someone said something to me that I didn’t like. Maybe I didn’t like the result of something I tried.


  1. Reflect: Determine the story that I’m telling myself about what just happened.

  2. Declare: “Hey, the story that I’m telling myself now is that ____”

  3. Ask: “Is this story accurate? What am I missing? How do I make this a more complete story?”

  4. Listen.

  5. Incorporate what you learned back into your story.

  6. Ask yourself: What would it mean for me to believe this new story?

  7. Start telling yourself that new story.

  8. Enjoy

Try it out!

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