
Rohan Rajiv shared an insightful word in his recent post - Sitzfleisch: the stamina to resist the temptation of responding to these short-term influences.

Our world is full of stimuli; more stimuli than we likely are meant to receive. An email comes in, we react. You’re tagged in a slack message, you react. You are stressed and you notice the Doordash app, you react. Our environment is one of reaction. What if we flipped the script?

What if we developed a Stoic mental toughness and resisted the stimulatic (I just made that word up) world of today. What if we turned off our notifications? What if we made it more difficult to be accessible? What if we made the world a bit further from our reach? How much more calm might our lives be?

And with that extra calm, how much more productive might we become?

Along with sonder and pâro, I think I’ll put sitzfleisch in my tool belt of useful words.

Saying no.

Effect vs Affect