In his book, Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud discusses “closure”, or the process of “observing the parts but perceiving the whole.” You and I do closure all the time.

  • The swoosh icon associated with a famous shoe brand.

  • Golden arches along a highway.

  • A special “ding” on your phone when an “instant message” is received.

When we perceive these Icons/symbols/signs we complete the story.

  • Nike.

  • McDonald’s.

  • Facebook or iPhone message.

Your goal is to get your audience, those you seek to serve, to engage in closure with your ideas, work, or art.

Nike wouldn’t be Nike if the swoosh became too detailed in appearance. Too much details adulterates the symbol. In the same way, you must work to make your ideas and work the simplest possible.

What details don’t belong? What can be cut? How do you make your work so simple that a toddler can understand?

Less is more.


Revisiting Hope