David Brady Helps

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Embrace adversity.

I’m reading “Muppets in Moscow: The Unexpected Crazy True Story of Making ‘Sesame Street’ in Russia” now. I am most impressed by Natasha Rogoff’s transparency.

Natasha describes the anxiety of living with decisions amidst great uncertainty. Was her new investor a criminal? Would her producer be alive tomorrow? What's real and what's not? Would she lose her job for making a bad decision?

You and I are like Natasha.

When faced with frightening decisions, it's not the act of deciding that paralyzes us. It is the unknown debt and effects of our actions that cause us stress.

You and I can be more like Natasha.

Natasha did not tell herself to "grow up" or develop a "stiff upper lip." She made uncertainty her advantage and not her liability. She also combatted her self-doubt with self-care and self-love.

No matter where we are now -- looking for jobs, looking for fulfillment, seeking meaning... we must advance towards the unknown, accept that it might suck, and take care of ourselves along the way.

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