Cultivate your best ideas.

Yesterday, I played a church service that felt more like a marathon than a gentle walk. 10 songs in a row, no break in between, and loads of moments where the script went out the window. I had moments that required me to read music and had to make something up on the spot. Thankfully, I have a playbook of my best ideas.

Life rhymes. Your experiences today might be similar to experiences in the past. If you’re like a musician, you’ll take to reflect on past experiences. You’ll want to understand what worked and what didn’t. You’ll create a playbook of your best ideas to rely on when life starts to rhyme with the past.

Keep your new playbook fresh. Question your best ideas — could they be better? Notice what others do to be effective, how might you steal their ideas? How do your best ideas impact the work of others?

Interesting thought on exposure.

What are you saying to yourself?