Thoughts on networking

I am not skilled at networking — it’s not my gift. However, I thought about two opposite yet complimentary ideas related to it.

First: Quantity over Quality

Network with as many people as you can to maximize for future optionality. The more people you meet, the more you can pick and choose with whom to cultivate relationships.

Second: Quality over Quantity

Why not pick just a few people and focus on them? Have a few memorable conversations that may produce something beautiful in the future. People aren’t trading cards.


Networking is a cost for me. I’m more introverted than not, and I’m a bit weird to meet in person. That said, I see how the person like me can exist in either world — quantity or quality.

Focusing on rapid networking doesn’t require me to deploy emotional resources. I can see how many people I can meet before I’m exhausted. I optimize for a balanced intro and an option to meet in the future.

Focusing on quality seems like a smart move for people I believe there can be a strong exchange of value. Perhaps I look at relationship-building like a funnel and I reserve “quality” towards the lower half of the funnel?

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