Thoughts on shoes.

Thoughts on shoes.

Imagine walking everywhere without shoes. And not just the beach or the park.
I'm writing about the pavement, the gravel roads, the stores, and the sidewalks - everywhere.

Some people can do it - the ones who did not grow up with shoes.
Many of us, and I'm willing to wager you, can't.

Now recall a moment when judged another person because of their shoes.

What did you like or dislike about them?
What did the shoes tell you about that person?

Shoes are interesting to me.

To be without them makes us vulnerable to the elements.
To have them makes us vulnerable to the judgment of others.
And who enjoys being vulnerable 24/7?

We turn to shoes to insulate us and open up worlds that, without them, might not be possible.

Barefooted at the beach and want to cross the gravel parking lot to your car? Put on sandals (shoes).
Looking to impress your future boss? Don your pair of Allen Edmonds.
Want to buy groceries? No shirt, no shoes, no service.

What if we applied the value we place on shoes to other areas of life? Our choices? How we treat others? And - more importantly - how we treat ourselves?

HT to Aeon and Randy Laist for the inspiration

On character.

On character.

If it doesn't get done, it doesn't matter.

If it doesn't get done, it doesn't matter.