It's never greener.

A Learning a Day’s recent post featured a quote:

“The grass is greener on the other side because it is fertilized by bullshit.”

The grass is never greener. We only think it is because of our perspective.

Walk to the other side of the street and look back. If the sun hits it just right, and you’re in a “just right” mood, you’ll see the grass on that side looks greener.

Your brain lies to you. It creates a picture of the world based on probability and your physical senses. What you think you see is not what’s actually there at that second. You only see so many waves of light, you can only hear so many decibels, you can only perceive 3 dimensions.

If you have a pet, like a dog, the world the dog sees looks radically different than yours. Does the dog see the actual word as it is?

The grass is never greener, and things aren’t always what they seem.

Leave space to be wrong.

Leave space to be content with the present.

Leave space to be discontent just enough that it pushes you try something new… with open eyes.

Thoughts on the moral war post

Engagement as feedback.