Thoughts on how to improve conscientiousness

The most interesting thing about conscientiousness is that it appears to be an interplay of many (though not necessarily complex) things — culture, our nervous systems, inherited chemistry, and how we have adapted to survive. If you want to improve how you express this trait, it’s possible you’ll need to look at the whole versus the part.

What are you trying to improve?

  1. Sense of responsibility?

  2. Goal orientation?

  3. Thoughtfulness?

  4. Efficiency?

  5. Self-discipline?

  6. Attention to detail?

  7. Organization?

What’s getting in your way?

  1. Fear?

  2. Brain chemistry? Perhaps you’re made a certain way and you’ll have to learn strategies to leverage your uniqueness.

  3. How you interpret the world? Perhaps you’re quick to judge.

  4. Nutrition?

  5. Something else?

Do you know how to change it?

  1. Do you have strategies?

  2. Have you done something like this before? Do you know best practices?

  3. Do you have access to people who can help?

Is it worth changing?

Ultimately, you have to determine if the return of improvement exceeds the cost of change.

Thoughts on sturdiness.

Thoughts on conscientiousness