Thoughts on being generative

I hung out with a former team mate last night. She would tell you that she’s not skilled at improvisation, but she is. What makes her skilled? She’s good at mirroring the energy of her conversation counterpart. It’s almost as if she becomes that energy. How does that help develop generativeness?

If you say you’re not a writer, then you’re not. But if you effectively mimic the habits and practices of writers, you’ll be a writer. Writers read - if you want to write, read.

If you say you’re not a musician, then you’re not. But if you effectively mimic the habits and practices of musicians, you’ll be one. Pianists practice scales - you’ll need to practice scales to play piano.

You can copy and paste that template for any profession.

Once you begin mirroring the habits and practices of a thing, you’ll start thinking like that thing. Once you start thinking like that thing, you’ll start generating ideas as that thing.

Staying open to curation

Playing quietly