Friends of the Resistance.

Friends of the Resistance.

The part of you that keeps you from coming alive, "Resistant You," has friends. You probably know them.

  • Rationalization. You'll start realizing a hundred ways why your ideas can't work, and those ways will make sense to you. "Resistant You" uses Rationalization to keep you from coming alive.  

  • Procrastination, a personal friend of mine, and of "Resistant You." "Put off tomorrow what you can do tomorrow, relax today." Procrastination aids "Resistant You" by putting off meaningful work.  

  • Trouble. Ever noticed it's easier to create mischief than finish practicing? "Resistant You" uses Trouble as a diversionary tactic.  

  • Self-Drama. "Our lives are one big mess, if only we had time to get things done." Have you heard this before? Self-Drama partners with "Resistant You" to show you that you don't have time, energy, or the right to engage in that which makes you come alive.  

The list goes on, you can imagine.  

As you're able, look within yourself. How does the resistant version of you rear its ugly head? Can you see it?  

Resistance Hides.

Resistance Hides.

Resistant You.

Resistant You.